Propriospinal Myoclonus:
Surgical Treatment of Propriospinal Myoclonus: [!/](!/)
Excessive Fragmentary Myoclonus:
The clinical heterogeneity of drug-induced myoclonus: an illustrated review
Twinkling, star-shaped brain cells may hold the key to why, how we sleep:
Ion channel linked to brain inflammation identified: []( (In the prior link, astrocytes were implicated in sleep onset. Here is an article linking for the first time, a calcium ion channelopathy (genetic mutation) with brain inflammation. It is researching astrocytes/glial cells that regulate calcium and the nervous system. A channelopathy is loss of proper cell functioning, causing excessive membrane excitability.
Upregulation of T-type Ca2+ Channels in Primary Sensory Neurons in Spinal Nerve Injury: (Channelopathy nerve injury increases the density of T-type calcium channels leading to neuronal hyperexcitability)
KCNAB2 channel mutation lowers firing of dopamine neurons in adult mouse brain: The potassium channel auxiliary subunit Kvβ2 (Kcnab2) regulates Kv1 channels and dopamine neuron firing | Journal of Neurophysiology. [](
Seizures with an atypical etiology in an elderly patient: Eagle's syndrome--how does one treat it?