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Update Your CoRDS Information

Updated: Jun 6, 2021

Have you updated your Sanford CoRDS survey?

Please update your survey responses when something changes or otherwise annually. You will get an email reminder from CoRDS. Please also check your survey to make sure you enabled the data to be shared with our group. Having your data included allows our press kit to be more robust. Please log in and check page 3... see that you answered “yes”.

Complete the following steps:

-Click on the following link to the CoRDS Registry online portal (

-Login with your username and password

-Click “Update Questionnaire”

-Update your questionnaire with any new information

-Complete any new questions that have been added to the module since you last submitted your form(s)

**If you do not remember your username and/or password, please follow the link to the CoRDS Registry online portal homepage, click on “Forgot Password” link, and complete the steps required to request your username and/or a temporary password. **


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